Along your journey as a Beaver, you will work towards lots of different badges, you may not even know at times you are working on the requirements of a badge, as you’ll be having so much fun. The badges are broken into three areas;
- Activity badges, where you will concentrate on a certain activity or sport to achieve a badge.
- Challenge badges, where you will work on a range of areas on the badge to meet the requirements, you may be camping in a tent or doing something that you find really challenging.
- Cheif Scout Bronze Award, This badge is the top award you can earn as a Beaver before moving to Cub’s, All Beavers should work towards earning this award
Chief Scout’s Bronze Award

This is the highest award a Beaver can earn. To complete it, you need to earn four Activity or Staged Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all six of the Challenge Awards. The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award shows that you’ve given new things a go, played your part and stuck it out, even when the going got tough. It’s a really big achievement, and you should be proud.
Challenge Awards
Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn’t normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you’ll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

- Chief Bronze Silver Award
- Personal Challenge Award
- Teamwork Challenge Award
- My World Challenge Award
- My Outdoors Challenge Award
- My Adventure Challenge Award
- Our Skills Challenge Award
Activity and Staged Badges

Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and kayaking, there’s something for everyone.